LinkedIn Learning

Web user experience course now available online

My new course “User Experience for Web Design” is now live. I’m really happy with the high production quality that LinkedIn Learning brings to their classes, and I’m excited that they are committed to the user experience training space.

RITE user testing

RITE testing brings the team together

Rapid Iterative Testing and Evaluation – the RITE method – is a way to run lab-based studies that identify and fix as many issues as possible and then verify the effectiveness of those fixes in the shortest possible time. Testing and fixing happens in near real-time, so the whole team feels more involved in the […]

planning user studies vendors

Tips for working with usability vendors

Sometimes you can’t do all the usability work yourself. Either there’s too much work, it’s highly boring work, it’s highly specialist work, or the whole project is being outsourced. Here are some tips for choosing and working with vendors.

discount technique field visits guerrilla technique methods mobile paper prototyping user testing

Intercept Studies give you quick user feedback on your early ideas

Field studies are great for seeing real user behavior and pain points. It’s also important to get out and test your concepts “in the wild” before you get too invested in code. That’s what intercept studies are for.

design validation paper prototyping user testing video

Paper prototype testing video – real life testing of a sketched interface

Clients often believe that you have to have a polished interface to show to users before you can get good feedback. Nothing is further from the truth. The most valuable feedback happens before you’ve even touched a computer.

cognitive walkthrough experience map personas scenarios slideshare presentation

Systemizing and Empathizing – why code doesn’t meet users’ needs

People on development teams tend to be great systemizers, but less well developed as empathizers. User research – if you present it the right way – can help systemizing individuals to empathize with the people for whom they are building products.

mobile slideshare presentation tablet training class

Tablet User Experience talk slides now available on slideshare

Tablet User Experience is not the same as mobile phone user experience – the devices are used in different situations and in different ways. This presentation provides a framework for thinking about common tablet task types and suggestions for how to build useful and usable tablet apps. In the talk, I cover searching, tracking, transacting […]

methods slideshare presentation training class video

Fast, easy usability tricks for big product improvements – with a case study

The video and slides from the updated version of my Fast, Easy Usability Tricks talk are now available online. This version includes a case study to help put the work in context.

GOTO methods

Visual thinker? See Sketchnotes of my #gotocph talk

If you’re a visual thinker, you’ll enjoy this one-page map that lays out all the important steps in early investigative user experience work, based on my talk at GOTO Copenhagen.

participant recruiting recruiting surveys

A word of caution about online surveys

On the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog. Or in this case, that all you want is a dog. A cautionary tale about believing what people tell you in online surveys…