design charrette methods paper prototyping planning user studies site visits user testing video

Watch the “Fast, easy usability tricks for big product improvements” video online free!

The video from my 2012 GOTO conference presentation is available online. Fast, easy usability tricks for big product improvements

field visits observation site visits user testing

Active observation: lean forward, write lots

User research is a lean-forward activity: you have to remain actively engaged. It’s very different from watching TV: a lean-back, passive activity. 

field visits site visits user testing

Getting to intent – listen, probe, validate

Users will make lots of feature requests during research sessions. Listen, Probe and Validate to make sure you solve the underlying issue.

field visits observation site visits

Site visits show you real user pain

To improve how people use your product, watch the tasks they perform. To get people to love your product, find and fix the small annoyances.